Hello there. For some reason you found this blog. I appreciate you for reading it.

My name’s Oleg. I’m a Statistician from Colombia. I’m mostly interested in how Modern statistics (Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data based AI) can be applied in the field of video games. Stuff like procedural Generation and Game Analytics & Player Modeling. For know i’m not well versed in these applications, but this is what this blog is for. I’m about to start my Master’s degree in Copenhagen and I want to document my projects and continuous learning. Expect a lot of basic applications in the beginning, but i hope that, in the future, my projects will get better and more interesting.

Now off to some possible questions and answers

What’s your background?

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics from the National University of Colombia. My thesis was on the use of Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment.

Where will you go?

I’m starting my Master’s Degree in Data Science at the ITU University of Copenhagen.

what languages/frameworks will you be using?

My main language for scientific programming is Python, while my prefered Game engine is Godot (It’s really cool, you should try it). I’m also eager to learn Rust. So expect most of my work being done in one (or all) of these three.

Where does the name of the blog comes from?

A video by former polygon member Brian David Gilbert (Link here, he’s really funny). I feel like this phrase encapsulates both my passion and my cynicism

What’s your favorite game

Persona 5 and the Megami Tensei Franchise in general. Special mention to Guilty Gear

I hope that my crossings help you in some way, either as a helpful tutorial, a fun read or just a pleasant time killer.